Newbie question about debugging and troubleshooting

john e john.godzero at
Wed May 10 22:21:35 BST 2006

I recently read about strace, a nice utility to get all sorts of good
info from a repeatable bug ( eg: strace /bin/buggy_program )
lsof has helped in some cases. (eg: lsof /home)

Are there anymore the devs would recommend, I'd especially like to
know on that'll read the exit code from the last progam ran.
bash> ls
error ... crash bang boom
bash> read_last_error
last exit code was 3

On 5/10/06, Dennis Kaarsemaker <dennis at> wrote:
> On wo, 2006-05-10 at 13:21 -0400, Borden Rhodes wrote:
> > Basically, I'm curious if there's a good reading list out
> > there for bug hunters and troubleshooters
> --
> Dennis K.
> Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so.

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