Ubiquity installer not usable on machines with <= 256 MB of RAM

Krzysztof Lichota krzysiek at lichota.net
Tue May 9 18:13:28 BST 2006

Daniel Robitaille napisał(a):
>> Can someone else verify this (with real setup, not in virtual
>> environment)?
> I don't see that.  With my laptop (Ubuntu Flight 7 + daily updates),
> with 256mb of ram, I turned off swap, and the system is still usable,
> but a little bit slower.  That's with Firefox running and your default
> set of applets installed in the panel.   Here is the output of the
> free command before and after turning off the swap:
> daniel at laptop:~$ free
>             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:        248196     242320       5876          0       1528      50936
> -/+ buffers/cache:     189856      58340
> Swap:       730916      33972     696944

You seem to have about 8 MB more RAM, my laptop reports total memory 239480.

> daniel at laptop:~$ sudo swapoff -a
> Password:
> daniel at laptop:~$ free
>             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
> Mem:        248196     244544       3652          0        136      43460
> -/+ buffers/cache:     200948      47248
> Swap:            0          0          0

Can you try running installer (until partitioner is started)?


	Krzysztof Lichota

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