Startup services (Re: ubuntu-laptop useful?)

Andrew Conkling andrew.conkling at
Mon May 8 22:12:21 BST 2006

On 5/8/06, Matt Zimmerman <mdz at> wrote:
> On Sat, May 06, 2006 at 03:08:43PM +0200, Thilo Six wrote:
> > quote from that page:
> > The boot time can be dramatically improved by removing all unneeded
> > services.
> >
> > Which is really true.
> How much of a difference did you observe?

This a semi-announcement, semi-question:
I saw an article on[1] talking about booting startup
services in parallel to improve boot time.  With Dapper, my boot time
is quite good, but of course, any improvement is always welcome. :)

I'm thinking of testing this out on a default installation of Dapper
once it's released to see what kind of difference I can get with my
services.  I'll be posting my results probably here and on the wiki
(someone correct me if I should do otherwise).

Pending results of course, would something like this be a candidate
for Edgy?  I'll be significantly less inclined to try if it's only me
that will improve from it.



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