unnecessary QA work (was Re: dapper-live test)

Scott James Remnant scott at ubuntu.com
Thu May 4 11:36:36 BST 2006

On Thu, 2006-05-04 at 11:10 +0100, Colin Watson wrote:

> I'm not encouraging people to deliberately file duplicates or anything,
> but I don't believe duplicates are quite as much in the way as you say.
I have to agree with my esteemed colleague here; I spend an annoying
amount of time untangling hardware-related bugs where other people have
mistakenly believed they had the same bug as the reporter.

I can think of three bugs recently where someone else joined the bug
with something that turned out to be a different problem, and was so
helpful and so much more responsive than the original reporter that I
never realised that the original reporter had a different problem until
well after the bug had been marked "Fix Released".

And another bug springs to mind where someone else jumped in because
they had something that sounded almost, but not quite, entirely unlike
their symptoms and started giving bad advice to the reporter which
actually hampered my debugging efforts.

Scott James Remnant
scott at ubuntu.com
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