Lack of release targetting in Malone (was Re: Bugging questions)

Alexandre Strube surak at
Tue May 2 13:10:51 BST 2006

Em Ter, 2006-05-02 às 10:31 +0100, Matthew East escreveu:

> > I find the UI here to be confusing, and so do our users.  It seems
> > unintuitive to have a list which includes both distributions and releases;
> > it's unclear what this should mean to the user.  What does the status of the

Not to mention the lack of specific package versions. For what package
version was some bug posted against?

The most common bug squashing questions today seems to be "what version
are you using? is this still happening in dapper"?

Today, we count on bug posting date to 'guess' the version a software
had when the bug was opened, or, if we are lucky, the original poster
wrote it.

Malone already says what is the most current version of a package. It
could just ask what version was used when someone open a bug.

Alexandre Strube <surak at>
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