Experiences with live cd 20060429.

Henrik Nilsen Omma henrik at ubuntu.com
Tue May 2 09:34:14 BST 2006

Henrik Nilsen Omma wrote:
> A quick test of a few admin tools with gnopernicus give good results 
> generally (on an updated dapper system). I get a password dialog that 
> speaks and also a config tool that works as expected (Disk and 
> Services managers read out info and seem generally well behaved). -- 
> has this just been fixed? The password dialog used to be one that 
> grabbed the whole screen before.
Update: I've done a more comprehensive test now, and it turns out that 
about half the admin tools that need passwords open with a normal modal 
password window, while others have the password area that blocks the 
whole screen. The first kind works fine with gnopernicus, while the 
second kind does not work at all, even after entering the password 
normally. The list:


Disk manager
Shared folders
Time and date
Users and groups

Does not work:

Language support
Login settings
Software Properties
Update manager

Most notably, the problem affects all the software installation apps 
(except command line apt)

- Henrik

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