Administration Menu

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Tue May 2 03:53:18 BST 2006

On Sat, Apr 29, 2006 at 03:40:35PM +0200, Étienne Bersac wrote:
> >>>I do not see the point in having the Administration menu in the  
> >>>System
> >>>area for non Administrative accounts. These account can't use the
> >>>Admin features, even with the admin password. It would also avoid
> >>>confusion on where people need to go to do things.
> >>
> >>This menu shouldn't appear for non Administrative accounts.
> That should be discuss at ubuntu-desktop.

It was already discussed, designed and implemented in Dapper.
> However, i find that non administrative item should be in Application- 
> >System Tools, because tools such as hal-device-manager or log  
> viewer do not modify the system. Even more, in practice, Application- 
> >System Tools reappear after installing one or two usual program or  
> edited menu to enable gconf-editor or new login. (Juste see g-a-i  
> System Tools category).
> I think that System->Administration should contain admin only task.  
> i.e. just hide it for non admin/lpadmin users.

I don't agree; this distinction doesn't make sense to the casual user, so
they don't know where to look.  It's better to keep all of the
administrative items together, regardless of privileges required.

 - mdz

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