ubuntu-devel Digest, Vol 21, Issue 2
Michiel Sikma
omega at avalanchestudios.net
Mon May 1 23:11:47 BST 2006
> Monospace is actually much easier to read/track, and is much easier for
> me to deal with as "the guy who may have to integrate it into usplash",
> so if you do intend to start doing custom fonts for my approval, I would
> prefer a monospace one. I've already asked a few people about the
> possibility of new monospace fonts that don't suck, so anything you
> could come up with, I'd love to see.
> (Note, I'd like to keep it "bold" looking, as I personally think a
> "spindly" font looks out of place on an otherwise colour-rich image, but
> I'm willing to entertain other ideas)
> As for the progress bar, it's a fair bit more effort than you may think
> to have a textured progress bar, but if demand was high enough, it could
> probably be done. I doubt I'd get it done for dapper, though. I really
> wish people would make suggestions like this at the beginning of a
> release cycle.
> ... Adam
I'll have a few new pixel fonts ready soon (as well as some more
suggestions besides just this one). What format do you prefer to get
them in? I'm afraid that I can't make font files other than the Windows
FON type, which that other font also is. I just don't know how the other
formats work. But maybe you can also use a bitmap with the characters in it.
Also, is it really that difficult to create a textured progress bar?
Wouldn't it just be one image that's being overlaid into the other one
by method of a mask? At least, it's graphically nothing beyond that as
far as I'm concerned (there's no animation going on like in the Windows
and Mac OS boot screens).
Regards, Michiel
PS: I know what you mean when you say you'd rather have new things
brought up at the beginning of the work. I get that a lot myself, too.
:) I'm in the Web design business and people just don't ever seem to be
happy. I guess it's because they just don't know what they want.
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