usplash font suggestion

Andreas Schildbach andreas at
Mon May 1 06:47:55 BST 2006

James Hall wrote:

> I'd rather
> there wasn't any text *at all* unless there is a problem. No-one cares
> that ALSA started up. They'd only care if it didn't start up. Maybe
> write this text straight into a log instead (if it doesn't already.)

I second this. The current usplash is neither fish nor fowl.

a) Either I am a poweruser and will disable usplash completely, 
"visualizing" the boot/shutdown process on a high resolution console. 
This is what I am using with Breezy.

b) Or I am a normal user who is not interested in the details of booting 
up/shutting down at all, only that there is something in progress 
(that's what the progress bar is for).

I would be glad if Ubuntu would officially support both cases; currently 
only b is supported.



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