Xorg error messages are poor.

Sandis Neilands sandisn at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 09:22:18 BST 2006


On 3/31/06, Scott Bronson <bronson at rinspin.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-03-30 at 23:46 +0100, Stephen Shirley wrote:
> > On 30/03/06, Xavier Dectot <xavier.dectot at free.fr> wrote:
> >         Le Thu, 30 Mar 2006 21:33:26 +0200,
> >         Jan Claeys <lists at janc.be> a écrit :
> >         > Op do, 30-03-2006 te 09:37 -0500, schreef Scott Bronson:
> >         > A fix for that might be as easy as adding:
> >         >         alias help=yelp
> > Not to mention it would break expected behaviour.
> It might break your expected behavior but it would fix the expected
> behavior for a lot of other people.  Everything is a compromise.

Is the terminal the place where newbies look for help now?

> You could just throw "unalias help" into your .bashrc and have the old
> help back.  This seems like the best compromise to me: the people that
> want the old help back certainly know enough to easily apply the fix.
> And those that don't know what they're doing at all will at least get a
> help that is helpful to them.

We should also disable rm, because somebody might delete something
important, disable sudo, because somebody could screw the system, etc.
 The point is why should others strugle because of some <insert
something here that doesn't breach code of conduct>? Who is more
important - people who use the system for actual work or people who
don't know what they are doing?


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