hibernation reliability

Eric Feliksik milouny at gmx.net
Tue Mar 28 12:16:59 BST 2006

I have the impression that hibernation is prone to failure***. This 
means a user expects to find his session unharmed, but instead 
everything is gone. This is *bad*, especially for a _Dapper_ release.

So I have two questions/issues:
1) What is the status of hibernation reliability, and do we recognize a 
problem? Can hibernation be guaranteed to work in Dapper?
2) If not all systems will reliably hibernate given Dapper's time 
constraints, is it then technically possible to detect this issue? Can 
this be implemented in short time? At least I think it would be good if 
the logout-dialog could base the availability of the hibernate option on 
the gconf-key /apps/gnome-power-manager/can_hibernate (if I understand 
it's purpose correctly). (Manu: that's why I felt free to CC you)

Welcoming your thoughts,

*** Until recently my system appeared to hang when it came up after 
hibernation, at the moment I expected X to come up. This seems to be 
fixed with some update from this week. Because I saw many issues about 
hibernation on bugzilla, I thought I'd bring this to you attention anyway.

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