Misconfiguration of sudo is insecure (Was: Sudo even more secure)

Chris Jones cmsj at tenshu.net
Sat Mar 25 12:37:04 GMT 2006


On 8:50:20 pm 24/03/2006 Paul Sladen <ubuntu at paul.sladen.org> wrote:
> Now you have a shell open where *every* command you type is running
> with unchecked priviliges and it the commands _aren't being logged_.

So a root shell is bad because it does what it says on the tin? ;)

While it may not be exactly the same, commands will be kept for some time
in root's .bash_history. If you want a fully trackable audit trail you
would presumably know what you are doing and restrict sudo access beyond
the default config.

I guess the point here is that there should always be a way to get a root
shell - are you suggesting there is a better way to do that, or are you
just objecting to people using root shells on ubuntu? If the latter I
suspect you are fighting a losing battle.
Perhaps it would be worth not documenting sudo -i beyond the sudo man page
so that it's only discoverable for people who are reasonably clued up?

Chris Jones
  cmsj at tenshu.net

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