Bugs managment

João Pinto Lamego at PT-link.net
Mon Mar 20 18:36:50 GMT 2006

is there any rule for inactive bugs management on malone ?
The feeling I got with the few bugs I have reported is that there is no 
general concern about bugs management unless the bug affects a 
considerable amount of users.
In my opinion a bug should not be  open without any activity after a few 
months, the two possible scenarios for idle bugs are:
- The reporter(s) are not providing any feedback for the package 
maintainer to arrange for a fix - Bug should be closed
- The maintainer(s) are not providing any feedback for the bug 
resolution -  The bug must be assigned to another developer

Best regards,

João Luís Marques Pinto
PTlink Chat Software
PTlink - Rede de Conversa

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