New theme

Aigars Mahinovs aigarius at
Fri Mar 10 22:08:44 GMT 2006

On 3/10/06, Andrew Jorgensen <andrew.jorgensen at> wrote:
> One more thing that threw me off:  The desktop icon.  It's got the
> "nautilus doesn't know what type of file this is" paper with it's
> corner curled.  The old one did too, but it was much smaller.  The new
> icon made me think that the desktop icon was missing until I looked
> closer.

Speaking about icons - the default folder icon is *much* too orange!
So is the active window title bar, workspace changer and volume
changers highlight when changing volume.

On the other hand the lasso selection rectangle in Nautilus is much
too light - almost invisible on LCD screens. (That is the rectangle
that shows up when you click and drag with the mouse to select
multiple files)

Best regards,
    Aigars Mahinovs        mailto:aigarius at
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