
Sam Morris sam at robots.org.uk
Mon Mar 6 11:03:38 GMT 2006

Xavier Claessens wrote:
> Le lundi 06 mars 2006 à 16:15 +1100, Yuki Cuss a écrit :
>> Xavier Claessens wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm wondering why the postinst script of nvidia-glx doesn't runs
>>> "nvidia-glx-config enable" automatically ? I think if someone installs
>>> this package he just wants that is cards works without doing anything
>>> else...
>>> Xavier Claessens.
>> Not necessarily. We could need to look at the package in an installed 
>> state for any number of reasons. If anything, sending mail to the local 
>> user or presenting some sort of feedback with advice on enabling it is a 
>> better option.
>>  - Yuki.
> Maybe we should have a package nvidia-for-noobs that enables the driver
> by default because asking the user the write a command line to simply
> activate the driver is definitively NOT Ubuntu-spirit. If someone don't
> want the driver enabled he can do "nvidia-glx-config disable" anyway...
> but basic users just wants the driver to work, that's all...
> Maybe a debconf key set by default to TRUE which ask if we want to
> enable the driver can do the trick, experts would disable if they want
> and noobs will just accept default setting...

While you are basically correct, this is the wrong approach. The X 
server should create a list of suitable drivers for the video card in 
question when it starts, and try each one in turn until it finds one 
that works. In this case it would be {nvidia, nv, vesa}.

We've had a working hotplug system in Linux that basically does the same 
thing, but for kernel modules, for years now. I had hoped that a similar 
method would be adopted by the X server now that it's free of the 
retarding grip of xfree86.org, but it hasn't yet. :(

> Thanks,
> Xavier Claessens.

Sam Morris

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