VIM syntax highlighting broken?

Michael Bienia michael at
Sat Mar 4 22:36:27 GMT 2006

On 2006-03-04 12:44:13 -0800, Joel Edwards wrote:
> The version I have (running breezy) doesn't have syntax enabled by default.
> I had to use the "syntax enable" command every time I start up vim.
> However, if the command "syntax on" is added to the user's .vimrc file, it
> will enable it automatically when it starts. Seems like a more failsafe
> method than a symlink. To test if the system supports color:
> if &t_Co > 2 || has("gui_running")
>  syntax on
>  set hlsearch
> endif
> Could simply include the .vimrc file in each user's profile by default, that
> way people don't need to go searching around, or messing with symlinks.

I've done some more testing and it seems my vim installation is a little
bit broken:
/usr/bin/vim.gnome is 6.4
/usr/bin/vim.basic is 6.4
/usr/bin/vim is 6.3

This would explain why I also need a symlink to get syntax highlighting
(I've already syntax on in my .vimrc). I will investigate why my vim
binary is still 6.3 instead of 6.4.
As vim is working normally I didn't notice it till now.


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