Help Porting Our TomeRaider to Ubuntu

George Farris farrisg at
Thu Jun 29 16:07:23 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-28-06 at 19:06 -0700, Ivan Krstic wrote:
> Ankur Kotwal wrote:
> > So instead of answering the original question, we are frightening the
> > user about issues that could be resolved later.
> My tone was decidedly non-frightening, and licensing is certainly
> not an issue that is better left for later.

I have to agree.  The original poster did say "We are happy to make it
free and open source just for the Ubuntu distro", the key being the
phrase "open source".  I think they have to decide to either pay someone
to make a port and keep the source closed or open it up and discuss
licensing issues as it might pertain to inclusion in Ubuntu.

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