Help Porting Our TomeRaider to Ubuntu

Ivan Krstic krstic at
Thu Jun 29 00:22:13 BST 2006

Hi Mat,

Mat Ripley wrote:
> After falling in love with ubuntu I really would like our TomeRaider on
> it. We are happy to make it free and open source just for the Ubuntu
> distro (I know that unusual, but ubuntu is the future, IMHO)

Free software (software libre, as opposed to gratis software) by
definition doesn't restrict its users from modifying it or
redistributing it [1].

It's essentially not possible to release your software under a truly
free license if it includes a provision that revokes the same license
from any distributor that's not Ubuntu; remember also that there's a
growing number of Ubuntu derivative distributions (such as Kubuntu,
Xubuntu, nubuntu, ImpiLinux, and so on) that would be adversely affected
by such a provision.

If you were, however, willing to make this a contribution to the whole
open source and free software community, it would be very warmly
greeted, and I'm sure you'd have no trouble finding help in getting the
source code ported.

> Is anyone available to help?

You should probably first decide on the path you want to pursue with
regard to licensing. If you choose a free software license, simply
opening up a repository with the TomeRaider source code for public
access, and announcing the decision, will likely attract developers who
would be interested in helping with the port.

Ivan Krstic <krstic at> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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