Icon browser (launcher properties) weirdness

Joao Inacio jcinacio at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 02:25:22 BST 2006

On 6/22/06, Joao Inacio <jcinacio at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> It's not the first time this issue is bugging me, but i finally
> decided to ask about it.
> The issue is the icon browser/chooser (the one you get on launcher properties):
> IMHO it's extremely weird to use, to say the least. i believe many
> users don't know they can use icons on other directories other than
> "/usr/share/pixmaps" because of the way it currently works.
> So, are there any plans to change this dialog? AFAIK GTK already
> provides an image select dialog with preview (don't know if you can
> restrict it to use only certain formats, though).
> I'll gladly help out w/ anything that doesn't involve writing/coding ;)

Much to my surprise i realised that this applies only to gnome-panel
launchers, and for example any launcher on my desktop will use a very
nice dialog.

So i guess it's just a matter of replacing the one in gnome-panel(?)

João Inácio

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