Installing a compiler by default

James "Doc" Livingston doclivingston at
Fri Jun 16 13:24:15 BST 2006

On Wed, 2006-06-14 at 11:24 -0700, Micah J. Cowan wrote:
> However, gcc doesn't /not/ take up that much space, considering all the
> other stuff you need with it (development headers and binutils). This is
> a great argument for the ask-user-at-install proposal.
> It doesn't hurt to make it an explicit option at install time, though.

It does hurt to do that. I'm sure that when asked "do you want to
install a C compiler" 99% of users will ask "do I want to install a
*what* ?".

I think that adding a "C compiler" option under the programming section
of gnome-app-install, or similar, would probably be better as it doesn't
require people installing Ubuntu to know if they want it.


James "Doc" Livingston
Do not dangle the mouse by the | Do not expose your LaserWriter
cord or throw it at coworkers. | to open fire or flame.
    -- SGI Indy manual         |    -- Apple Laserwriter manual

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