Direct rendering issue

Gianmarco Leone gm_l at
Tue Jun 13 15:07:16 BST 2006

i don't know if to file this as a bug.
I'm using an ati M9.

1.Direct rendering: yes.

(Google Earth is terribly slow, so i try installing fglrx drivers)

2.Throught synaptic, install fgrlx stuff.
3.sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg choosing fglrx
(3b. fglrx driver don't work, glxinfo only gives error messages)
4.sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg choosing ati

5.Now direct rendering:NO.

In one word, what's the "trigger" for direct rendering, and is there
anyone? I remember my old good days with gentoo when i used to do
opengl-update ati...



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