Installing a compiler by default

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Fri Jun 9 23:58:32 BST 2006

On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 00:17:03 +0200
Stephan Hermann <sh at> wrote:

> Everybody, who comes online with the question: "Hey, how do I compile 
> the nvidia drivers from source, because I heard that these drivers are 
> better then the shipped ones" will get the answer "apt-get install 
> build-essential". 

>From me and most others they get the !nvidia ubotu factoid that points at
the BinaryDrivers wiki page.

I haven't actually seen many people pointed to build-essential for this, at
least not for some time. More usually they get asked

"Why do you want to compile ? Just read the wiki page and follow it
carefully. "



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