sudo update-manager -d doesn't want to upgrade from breezy

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Wed Jun 7 19:46:43 BST 2006

On Wed, Jun 07, 2006 at 08:21:36PM +0200, chantra wrote:
> I'm trying to update my breezy box to dapper using sudo update-manager -d,

The -d option was only required before 6.06 LTS was officially released.  If
you found some instructions telling you otherwise, please see that they are

> The box makes me aware that their is a new release, but doesn't actually 
> propose me the button to do so :s, it simply tells me that my system is 
> up to date

Make sure you have the latest update-manager installed from breezy-updates
and that you are in fact running Breezy.

 - mdz

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