Debugging open source applications.

Jacob Rideout ubuntu at
Wed Jun 7 03:30:57 BST 2006

That just makes a debugger more useful, you can see where in the code
the problem is. You can put breaks in the code, get backtraces and
such and a debugger will let you know where in the code the problem is
not just in the compiled assembly

On 6/6/06, Joel Bryan Juliano <joelbryan.juliano at> wrote:
> When you say debug in linux, are we dealing with offset addresses? with the
> ax bx cx dx registers?, since apps are open source, is there still a need
> for debugging applications?
> --
> gawk; grep; unzip; touch; strip; init, uncompress, gasp; finger; find,
> route, whereis, which, mount; fsck; nice, more; yes; gasp; warnquota,
> umount; head, halt, renice, restore, touch, whereis, which, route, mount,
> more, yes, gasp, umount, expand, ping, bashbug, dump, make clean; sleep
> --
> ubuntu-devel mailing list
> ubuntu-devel at

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