Mono required by ubuntu-desktop
Jan Moren
jan.moren at
Mon Jul 31 03:43:32 BST 2006
sön 2006-07-30 klockan 19:23 -0700 skrev Corey Burger:
> On 7/30/06, Jan Moren <jan.moren at> wrote:
> > sön 2006-07-30 klockan 19:08 -0700 skrev Dan Kegel:
> > > On 7/30/06, Ivan Krstic <krstic at> wrote:
> > > > Dan Kegel wrote:
> > > > > has a few posts that say Picasa scales better than f-spot with
> > > > > much larger numbers (e.g. a gigabyte) of images.
> > > >
> > > > krstic at aeryn:~/Digital photography> find -type f | wc -l
> > > > 8021
> > > > krstic at aeryn:~/Digital photography> du -sh
> > > > 9.1G .
> > > >
> > > > F-spot handles this without a hitch.
> > >
> > > Good to know. BTW my first impressions of f-spot are quite positive,
> > > that it's not really bloated relative to its capabilities, and
> > > that it's quite different than gthumb;
> > > maybe there's room for both f-spot and something simpler.
> >
> > I'm a bit confused about this discussion; f-spot and gthumb do entirely
> > different things, and aren't comparable at all.
> >
> > f-spot is an image management application. gthumb is an image viewer.
> > f-spot is very bad at just quickly looking over a directory of images
> > (you need to import images to be able to do anythng), and gthumb is no
> > good for organizing image collections. They are separate apps, and both
> > are needed.
> I think you are confusion Eye of Gnome and Gthumb. Eog is what you get
> when you double click on an image currently. Gthumb on the menus, and
> can be accessed by right clicking on picture.
No, I'm not. I'm talking about gthumb.
I use gthumb a lot just to check newly downloaded images from the
camera, and as the image viewer for simulations (I do some
vision-related stuff, which generates directoryfuls of images). It's
good for flipping through a directoryful of images, zooming in to look
at detail, checking EXIF data and selectively delete or copy as needed
without having to go through Nautilus and Eye of Gnome (which aren't up
to the task when there's hundreds of images - you do _not_ want to have
to use the mouse and click on every single one of the buggers).
But gthumb is no good for organizing image collections once you've
decided what to save. I tried using it a few times and it's just not up
to the task.
So, Nautilus/Eye of Gnome if you just want to casually look at one or a
few images. gthumb for sifting through a large image collection, looking
for specific details, image features or EXIF data to guide you; and
f-spot for actually keeping track of the images you do want to save and
be able to find again six months later.
That said, f-spot is not perfect either. There is (as far as I know) no
way to keep track of images no longer on the system (copied onto backup
DVD:s); it doesn't handle RAW images; nor does it (and how could it)
keep track of what image was the result of postprocessing another,
earlier image.
Dr. Jan Morén (mr)
Japan: 090-3622 8920 jan.moren at
Sweden: 031-360 7723
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