New ZeroConf Spec
Hervé Fache
Herve at
Sat Jul 22 13:47:51 BST 2006
On 7/21/06, Sam Tygier <samtygier at> wrote:
> <snip>
> Your application layer need to support some sort of checking identification.
> I use avahi to locate a server on a network, and log in with ssh. if someone
> has spoffed the name then ssh would warn me.
Exactly my point: Avahi over SSL with some keys-based security layer
would make me feel a lot more comfortable.
But it is possible/easy enough on on peer-to-peer type of network
service? Every machine would need to be given the public keys of all
the other trusted machines on the network, in a secure way (USB
key/floppy) AIUI.
The advantage is: you might care much anymore whether advertisments
cross the boundary of your local network: outgoing ones would be
encrypted anyway, and incoming ones would not match any public key.
Am I saying BS?
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