Stack smash protection: Automated (de)bugging?

John Richard Moser nigelenki at
Wed Jul 12 00:55:39 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Micah J. Cowan wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 10, 2006 at 11:57:09PM -0400, John Richard Moser wrote:
>> The interesting things I WANT the modified handler and code generator
>> for are:
>>  * Automatically log stack smashing.  This can be done now, as far as
>>    "stack smash in /usr/bin/xmms"; but I want "stack smash in
>>    /usr/bin/xmms foo.c:bar() (Damage: 0xdeadbeef)"
>>  * Alert the user at first stack smash, asking if he would like a stack
>>    smash detecting daemon to automatically send stack smash logs to
>>    Ubuntu.  This would pass enough information to Ubuntu (and then to
>>    upstream) to quickly find and fix highly obscure problems.
> <snip>
>> I may be really reaching here, but I think I may not be the only one who
>> would like this.  Does anyone else have any thoughts?  Good, bad,
>> flames, praise, support, comments on the gcc bugzilla, whatever.
> It sounds like a terrific idea to me... I wish GCC had done this from
> the start, especially since ProPolice apparently had some of this in
> place already.

Alright, well I've got the function I need to recreate the original
propolice behavior, I just have to get this tree generation whatever the
technobabble to attach the deltas of the function call parameter
thingymabobs to the call.


I gotta figure out how to get gcc-4.1.1/gcc/targhooks.c to spit out
basically __stack_chk_fail2(__FUNC__,__FILE__,__guard) instead of
__stack_chk_fail(), is what I mean.  Really curious to how this thing
works, basically I'm staring at the code hoping it'll write itself or
something XD

Once that's done gcc is fine, upstream looks willing (if a little
reluctant) to take a patch if I can supply one, and I have chosen a
strategy that will avoid ABI breakage (keep __stack_chk_fail() and add a
new handler, so old protected code stays binary compatible).

As for down here, I'll have to look into some way to log safely.
Modification to glibc to open libssp0 [in some condition] with deep
binding will be a good quick-and-dirty; libssp0 will have to go into
/lib; and the modifications to log detected smashes can stay
distro-side.  I'll have a lot more fun with that part than I will
altering the tree generation stage to attach three variables (as a
friend explained it to me).

I'm just glad to see I'm not crazy.. or at least, that I'm not the only
crazy one.

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