Nautilus pattern matching.

Aigars Mahinovs aigarius at
Sat Jul 8 11:53:50 BST 2006

On 7/8/06, Klaus Bitto <klaus.bitto at> wrote:
> > Another indication option whould be to change background color of the
> > folder window, but I think that is suboptimal. Also the title bar must
> > change somehow.
> Why not use a bar like Firefox (and afaik M$IE7b) uses for popup-prevented
> and plugin-needs-to-be-installed notifications?

That was my first thought too, but it adds another interface option to
nautilus and it needs to be coded. However the sidebar interface code
is already there and it can be used without modifications.

> For the Regex thing, there has to be two modesm one of which uses simple
> pattern matching for non-geeks.

That is another either another option or there must be a way to tell a
simple pattern matching and a regex apart just by what the user enters
into the box. The simplest way would be to require to include the
regex in <> for example.

Best regards,
    Aigars Mahinovs        mailto:aigarius at
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