New ZeroConf Spec

Paul Sladen ubuntu at
Wed Jul 5 17:39:07 BST 2006

On Wed, 5 Jul 2006, Dan Kegel wrote:
> Can we avoid starting avahi until it's first needed, at least?

This is my recollection of the conclusion from the BoF in Paris.

I think the specification should stick with the reasoning drawn by the end
of the meeting, since those were deemed to be acceptable and the changes
made since are unlikely to be accepted.

IIRC, the result from the BoF was something along the lines of:  (1) that
the network dialogue would would be extended to allow a tickbox enabling
Zeroconf on particular interfaces.

(2) when a zero-conf aware application start up and avahi is not running,
then the user would be presented with a pop up question:

  Discover other computers.

  Would you like automatic discovery of other computers
  sharing $foo service?

  [x] Always enable this.

                                 [  Yes  ]   [ Cancel ]

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