gThumb VS EOG

Jan Moren jan.moren at
Mon Jan 16 13:06:45 GMT 2006

mån 2006-01-16 klockan 13:03 +0100 skrev Xavier Claessens:
> Le lundi 16 janvier 2006 à 20:44 +0900, Jan Moren a écrit :
> > AFAIK, eog doesn't give you the three-pane view with thumbnails (at
> > least 2.13.2 does not). That is pretty critical when you need to look
> > through a few hundred images at a time. And no, Nautilus is not a good
> > enough substitute - you really want to be able to quickly flip between
> > images as you browse and clicking on each and every one, then closing
> > the window and clicking on the next one is much too cumbersome.
> eog does handle image collection at least in 2.13.4 (don't know if it
> was present in 2.13.2). Look at screenshot [1] ;-) So no you don't have
> to click on each image in nautilus.
> [1]

Seems perhaps that it's workable. The devil is in the details, though.
It looks like the Nautilus image view used to do; if it works the same
it's still not good.

What I would need, really is three things:

First, having thumbnails work so I can step from full picture to full
picture with (for example) up and down arrows, without ever having to
"activate" the thumbnail (clicking on it, or pressing space, enter or
anything like that).

Second, do the same, but with the EXIF data screen visible.

Have an option to only scale images down, never up.

Improvements that gthumb does not have, but that I would really love:

Be able to see the most important EXIF data together with the image
(shutter speed, ISO and other capture data).

Have the app remember the zoom factor and place in the image and keep it
when you step from image to image (to check relative sharpness between
several images of the same subject, for example).

Be able to open the RAW file (not just the jpeg) with gimp from the

Dr. Jan Morén (mr)              
Japan:  090-3622 8920           jan.moren at
Sweden: 031-360 7723  

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