Dropping pre-i686 from the archive

Oliver Grawert ogra at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 12 16:53:23 GMT 2006

Am Donnerstag, den 12.01.2006, 18:33 +0200 schrieb Andy Rabagliati:
> I think the idea of having the ltsp built from regular packages is that
> everything still fits on one CD - i.e. there is little space overhead.
thats the smaller issue.... 

one big point is, if you have a separate system, you need to maintain in
fact two distributions, thats a unnecessary waste of manpower....

another thing is that our hardware detection as well as xorg detection
(which you also see on the live CD in quite the same setup as in ubuntu
ltsp) is able to detect all parts of the clients and set the default
settings at bootime... i wouldnt want to have to fiddle with config
files all day to get a basic ltsp environment up (execpt for tuning
probably) ....

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