Script to Automate Ubuntu Installer

Michael pnjgt4x02 at
Thu Jan 12 01:41:11 GMT 2006

Could someone tell me where to get information about how to write an

installation script for the ubuntu installer? I'm helping with a project

called Instlux, which Jordi Massaguer i Pla mailed this list about a couple days ago. Instlux will gather information from the Windows registry, ask the user how much space to give linux, and write that information to an installation script. The computer will restart and, using grub4dos, load the ubuntu installer, which will automatically partition the disk, copy the linux distribution, and configure the system based on the information in the installation script. I haven't been able to find any documentation on how to write such a script for the ubuntu installer, though, so I would be very grateful if someone could point me the way. Thank you for your help.


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