kudos: Ubuntu in 468 more schools.

Lukas Sabota punkrockguy318 at comcast.net
Wed Jan 4 20:07:21 GMT 2006

Patrick McFarland wrote:

>On Wednesday 04 January 2006 02:41, Carl Karsten wrote:
>>Incase this "old news" of 2 December 05 was missed:
>>Macedonia Deploys 5,000 GNOME Desktops in Public Schools
>>When the Republic of Macedonia decided to deploy Linux in 468 schools and
>>182 computer labs nationwide, they chose GNOME on an Ubuntu distribution.
>Am I the only one here who wondered why a school would install Ubuntu on a 
>486, until I realized that said "468 schools" not "486s in schools"?
+1... I read it the same way!

God bless,

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