Ebuntu: Packages ready to download / test

Manish Chakravarty manishchakravarty at yahoo.co.in
Tue Feb 28 04:44:43 GMT 2006

Hi all,

No doubt most of you have heard of Ebuntu

The packages have been made ready to download and
You can get them from

These packages install E17 into you existion Ubuntu /
Kubuntu 5.10 box.

Please read the INSTALL and README files in the dir

1)Ebuntu packages are made with checkinstall so cannot
be considered into Ubuntu Universe yet
2)Ebuntu must be considered as beta-quality software
3)I have tested the packages on Ubuntu/Kubunu 5.10
live and install cd's. I dont know whether they work
on the dapper drake cd's . (although they should)

===End Disclaimer ==

Hope you all use it and like it.
Feedback will be great.


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