Project Looking Glass Packages

Matthew Palmer mpalmer at
Mon Feb 27 19:53:06 GMT 2006

On Mon, Feb 27, 2006 at 08:08:04PM +0100, Alexandre Franke wrote:
> On 2/27/06, Lee Revell <rlrevell at> wrote:
> > It would be helpful if you said what Project Looking Glass is...
> No offense,

If you have to say "No offense", it means you're about to be offensive but
don't want to be called on it.

> but I think anyone here but you know that Sun's Looking
> Glass is a 3D desktop environment.

Add me to the "obviously too stupid to breathe" category, then, because I
had no idea what it was, either.

> Moreover, there were already several threads about it on this list, no
> need to explain once more what it is.

1) Not everybody has been on this list since the dawn of time, so they may
not have been around when those threads came past.

2) Not everybody has the time to read every single message on a high-traffic
list like ubuntu-devel.

- Matt

When all you have is a nailgun, every problem looks like a messiah.
		-- Iain Chalmers, ASR

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