Alternative Init System

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Mon Feb 27 19:04:30 GMT 2006

On Mon, 2006-02-27 at 13:43 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
> Let me guess - these machines are loading virus scanner, Windows
> messenger, Office junk, Realplayer, etc.
> I have only seen this behavior with Windows on systems that load like 20
> extraneous systray apps.  My XP systems are usable withing seconds after
> seeing the desktop.

Nope, I have this problem regardless of the amount of software
installed. Actually I don't really use Windows, I only do a fresh
install and don't even bother installing even the most essential drivers
(motherboard chipset, sound, network, video), nevermind any software of
any kind, because I use it only 10 minutes a month at best. I just keep
it handy "just in case". Still, the rare times that I start it, it
exhibits the behavior I described. 3 years ago when I was not using
Linux and was using Win XP as my only OS, hence fully loaded with apps
etc, it wasn't any slower than a fresh install IIRC. 
The problem I am seeing is really inherent to Windows it appears.
That said, I remember that ONCE, I could use it straight away, no delay,
no disk activity. I remember it because it was quite a (pleasing)
shock/change. But the very next day, it was back to "normal" (if we can
call this normal... ;-).
Back then I would have killed my mum to have a crystal ball to see what
was causing this problem, but obviously now that use Ubuntu exclusively,
it doesn't bother me how Windows performs as am lucky enough to be able
to do without it on my home machine.


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