kde removing gnome (and vice versa)

Karl Goetz kamping_kaiser at internode.on.net
Mon Feb 27 12:30:03 GMT 2006

Frank Siegert wrote:
> ,---- Karl Goetz wrote:
> | While we have packages for ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop, these
> | install the 2 desktops side by side. How feasible would it be to have a
> | package that installs kde and removes gnome, or installs gnome and
> | removes kde?
> `----
> Judging from giving support on IRC this seems like a good idea. At least in 
> the #kubuntu channel, we get questions like this. 
which is why i thought to ask about it.

Right now one common answer
> is: remove one of the core libraries (like libqt3-mt for KDE) and every 
> dependency that is broken by this. But that is probably not exactly the most 
> elegant way to go. A conflicting metapackage seems like a good answer.
> No high priority though...
for sure.

> Frank

Karl Goetz
The buck stops there -> $

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