
Dana Olson dana at ubuntustudio.com
Sun Feb 26 02:15:32 GMT 2006

On 2/25/06, Lee Revell <rlrevell at joe-job.com> wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-02-25 at 23:06 +0200, Jimmy Angelakos wrote:
> > It is unclear from the thread previously started, is GNOME going to be
> > XGL/Compiz enabled in Dapper by default (I guess not as not all
> > hardware supports it) or at least is there going to be a clear option
> > during installation enabling it?
> It would be sheer lunacy to enable this by default - it was just
> released two weeks ago.
> Lee

Yeah, it needs a lot of work... For example, it crashes if you use
GNOME's MouseKeys. On the Ubuntu Forums, there's a thread about Xgl
that is near 60 pages long already, and some of those posts are
various problems people have with it. I did enable it here, and it's
slick, but it's definitely not ready from prime time yet.

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