Dapper (Flight 3) installation report on Dell Poweredge 4300

Daniel Robitaille robitaille at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 03:01:01 GMT 2006

> Today I attempted to install Dapper (Flight 3) onto a Dell Poweredge
> 4300.  (in "server" mode)This machine has a Dell PERC 2/SC (AMI Megaraid
> (466?)) which uses the megaraid driver.  Unfortunately, the installation
> failed because the card was undetected.  I manually loaded the megaraid*
> modules, to no avail.
> The debian "sarge" installer works fine (after manually loading the
> megaraid* modules.  Presumably this is a 2.4/2.6 thing?
> Any chance of this being fixed for Flight 5 (if there is to be one) or
> at least for Dapper Final?

I would recommend that you try using  Flight 4 instead of Flight 3. 
And if it still doesn't work, then you should file a bug report in

Daniel Robitaille

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