Totem any time soon?

Alexandre Strube surak at
Wed Feb 22 03:11:17 GMT 2006

Em Ter, 2006-02-21 às 21:42 -0500, Lee Revell escreveu:

> Why is this a bizarre error - you have a non-hardware-mixing sound card
> and the sound server is blocking the audio device, so only apps that use
> the sound server can output audio.

If that is this way, why rhythmbox (i'm talking about breezy) plays the
file nicely? Why totem shows that bizarre error if you press the pause
button and then the play - does it block itself?

Anyway, why do we need alsa if the software mixer doesn't work on a
application which makes something I did 10 years ago - play a mp3 - you
can do that in a 486 with winamp - something that prone to error?

You talked about default output sink in gstreamer properties - it's the

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