Network Manager

Matthew East mdke at
Sat Feb 18 22:10:45 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 11:06 -0600, Alejandro Bonilla wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-02-18 at 11:44 +0100, Jonathan Patrick Davies wrote:
> > On Saturday 18 February 2006 11:17, javier wrote:
> > > Can this package be used my the knetwork-manager interface jriddell created
> > > in last distro sprint? i.e. Does this package include the cvs features
> > > riddell needed to make it work with it's kde frontend? It would be totally
> > > awesome if this feature worked out of the box for both ubuntu & kubuntu
> > > users.
> > 
> > Network Manager isn't going into Dapper (GNOME or KDE), I've heard. In the 
> > Kubuntu meeting a few days ago it was decided to use KNemo. Set in 
> > kubuntu-default-settings nicely but don't use it by default.
> Crap! why not? That is definitely a shame. This works perfectly for me
> and is really awesome. Could people consider adding the package anyway
> and leaving it as non-default?

Erm... the thread that everyone is replying to is the announcement that
NM is in dapper and that the developers would like feedback on it, in
order to decide whether to have it installed by default, installable
from the CD, or neither.

Did people just start replying to Scott's email without reading it? If
so, it's going to be a very weird thread.

mdke at
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