Dapper installation notes/Stuff that needs fixing

Duncan Lithgow duncan at lithgow-schmidt.dk
Wed Feb 15 15:08:14 GMT 2006

On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 22:28 -0800, crimsun at fungus.sh.nu wrote:

> I presume you're reacting thusly due to frustration and not due to
> factual relevance. Totem in stock Ubuntu Dapper currently plays at
> least the following audio formats: wav, flac, speex, and vorbis.
You can test this by using the sound recorder to record a wav file and
then try and play it back. It's never worked for me out-of-the-box.

> I'd love to have assistance whipping vlc into shape for Dapper+1.
Yes, VLC is great for me, one of the first things I do after a fresh
install. I can't even program - so err, how can I help...?


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