Dapper installation notes/Stuff that needs fixing

Duncan Lithgow duncan at lithgow-schmidt.dk
Wed Feb 15 14:54:46 GMT 2006

On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 18:21 -0500, Lee Revell wrote:
> On Tue, 2006-02-14 at 14:16 -0800, Dane Mutters wrote:
> >   I think that while "DHCP" and "protocol" are beyond the vocabulary
> > of the 
> > average home user, it's really nice for those of us who understand
> > them to be 
> > able to see what's going on.  Perhaps we can use something like,
> > "Attempting 
> > to autoconfigure network device (DHCP)." 
> "Acquiring network address"?
Either of those would be fine. Isn't 'hardware' just a more widely
understood term for device? Let's not get too theoretical - in this
specific case wouldn't 'hardware' be better understood by more people?


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