Dapper installation notes/Stuff that needs fixing

crimsun at fungus.sh.nu crimsun at fungus.sh.nu
Wed Feb 15 07:03:01 GMT 2006

On Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 03:43:20AM -0300, Santiago Roza wrote:
> it's not a matter of frontends, it's a matter of backends... and both
> totem and vlc are just frontends.

I'm aware-- I hacked on the package's infrastructure for Hoary and

> vlc uses libavcodec (from ffmpeg) plus libdvdcss for encrypted dvds. 
> that way it'll play pretty much everything... but it's illegal in the
> usa and japan, because it uses patented tecnology (mp3, mpeg2/dvd,
> mpeg4/divx), not to mention the dmca-forbidden reverse engineering on
> the dvd encryption.

By assistance I mean splitting out the compile-time pieces so that
something similar to what Sebastian has done with libxine for Dapper
can be applied to vlc.

> it doesn't have anything to do with totem or vlc or gstreamer or
> ffmpeg: it has to do with software patents, and software patents only
> (well maybe the dmca too).

I'm more interested in offering correct options in Dapper+1.

Daniel T. Chen            crimsun at ubuntu.com
GPG key:   www.sh.nu/~crimsun/pubkey.gpg.asc
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