Dapper installation notes/Stuff that needs fixing

Duncan Lithgow duncan at lithgow-schmidt.dk
Tue Feb 14 21:51:06 GMT 2006

I started a similar list as Dane so here's mine...

Checking CD-ROM integrity:
    The height of the window is too small, so whenever longer files are 
checked the height changes, and then back again. This gives an annoying 
flickering appearance on my 19" screen.
    Upon restarting from CD after the integrity check, instead of going 
back to the main menu it goes to "[!!] Configuring cdrom-checker-menu" 
as if I have asked to check the CD again. Selecting 'no' restarts the 
install properly.

Totem has regularly failed to play any file I have given it. Is it short 
on codecs or what is the problem? It can't even play the WAV files 
created by the Sound Recorder,

Network autoconfiguration:
    The install still assumes users are on a network, and when it fails 
to get a (DHCP?) response the message is cryptic for users on dailup. 
The words 'protocol', 'DHCP' are too technical. Is there a way of 
including more information for new users. I think a lot of people with 
cable modems, which often connect to the ISP's LAN network, will be 
confused by this dialogue. Can I suggest we pull some text from 
wikipedia on networks and DHCP and include this in 6.10?
    After not finding the network it still assumes I use a network. The 
only option after a failed autoconfiguration is "Continue", why not save 
people who don't understand networks some pain by adding the options "Do 
not configure the network now" or "Do not configure the network at this 
time" (which is in the next set of options anyway) and changing 
"Continue" to "Show more network configuration options"
    The option "Do not configure the network at this time" is unusual 
wording. I suggest either "Do not configure the network" or "Do not 
configure the network now"

Partition Manager:
I can't use "Erase entire disk and use LVM:" as it complains that: 
"Selected device already contains a physical volume" (I used LVM last 
time). So what? Why is there no option to erase the partition table 
(with suitable warnings) and start over? I can do that manually, so why 
make it so hard?

... install goes ahead ...

[!!] Configure apt
    Why on earth are the security.ubuntu.com entries commented out? They 
should be ready to kick into play as soon as Ubuntu notices that it has 
access to them. This equates to "Just so you know, when you manage to 
get onto the internet your system will not look for security updates, 
will not give you any warning about this being a problem, and will not 
tell you how to fix this!"

Should any of those be filed as bug reports? I'm happy to do so, just 
don't know which ones are what.

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