Restoring the Help Icon in gnome-panel

Lee Revell rlrevell at
Mon Feb 13 18:06:29 GMT 2006

On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 13:12 +0000, Matthew East wrote:
> Hi all,
> Recently, many users have been calling for a program which starts up at
> first login and introduces users to the basics about using and
> configuring Ubuntu. I'm convinced that the onboard documentation will do
> this job sufficiently well for dapper, the Desktop Guide in particular
> has had lots of work and will be accessible enough for users to see
> quickly where to find the right answers. In my personal opinion Dapper
> is the first release where I can say that the onboard documentation will
> do a good job.
> However, one of the big problems for us as the documentation team is
> that the onboard help is not used nearly enough, this leads to people
> spending more time looking for help, and hitting the forums/irc/mailing
> lists with questions which are answered in the documentation.
> I'd like to suggest an easy way to resolve this problem: restore the
> help icon on the gnome-panel. This will make the onboard documentation
> easily accessible for new users. I would earnestly urge you to
> reconsider the decision that was taken to remove this icon! Users need
> to know the documentation is there, and those that don't can remove the
> icon with two clicks.

The help browser is way way too slow to be usable IMHO.  I click
System->Help and it takes about 8 seconds for the window to even appear
and another 8 seconds for anything to appear in it.


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