Restoring the Help Icon in gnome-panel

Francois Cauwe swatje at
Mon Feb 13 14:32:46 GMT 2006

Maybe we could use a notification bubble to diplay some info for first
time users, with a "don't show this again" option.
And also the message where you can find the help? (System>help)
I don't like to have 2 times the same icons on my desktop. (On the panel
and in the system menu) Just like the new logout button applet...

François Cauwe

On Mon, 2006-02-13 at 13:34 +0000, Chris Jones wrote:
> Hi
> On 1:12:46 pm 13/02/2006 Matthew East <mdke at> wrote:
> > I'd like to suggest an easy way to resolve this problem: restore the
> > help icon on the gnome-panel. This will make the onboard documentation
> With absolutely no offense intended to the original artist, the icon didn't
> exactly look like it contained all the knowledge people needed, I presume
> because a lifesaver rendered that small isn't especially obvious as "help".
> Short of a red cross logo I'm not sure what would either.
> I would think a desktop icon would be more useful because it will have a
> translated string underneath it saying "Help". I know this may violate the
> latest mantras about desktops being reserved for empty space, but the first
> time a user logs in they won't have any windows open and it immediately
> builds a mental link between that shape and Help if nothing else.
> Cheers,
> ---
> Chris Jones
>   cmsj at

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