what is the reason for not making epiphany the default browser?

John Nilsson john at milsson.nu
Sun Feb 12 05:36:09 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-02-11 at 22:22 -0200, Carlos Ribeiro wrote:
> I believe that Firefox is better than Epiphany. It's a matter of
> perspective. From the perspective of Gnome, Epiphany would be the
> clear choice. But Ubuntu is not Gnome; it's a independent
> distribution, and as such it has to make choices. In fact, it's the
> choices that actually make up a large part of what the distribution is
> perceived to be. Ubuntu got to be broadly accepted by a lot of things,
> and the choices it made (Firefox included) are a large part of that.

Would it be possible to ship Firefox with the "Crash Recovery"
extension? Even better if it's fixed so that tabs are restored in the
separate windows they where opened in from the beginning.

I'm not sure if it's Dapper or me, but Firefox is really unstable ATM.

The other feature of Epiphany I miss in Firefox is the "Open with..."
dialog. It should be the same application chooser as with nautilus not
the file chooser as it is with Firefox.

If those two issues are fixed I belive all other arguments is just about


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