Why Can't Ubuntu Mount a floppy Disk

Christian Bjälevik nafallo at magicalforest.se
Mon Feb 6 07:59:51 GMT 2006

sön 2006-02-05 klockan 22:51 +1100 skrev Colin McDermott:
> In the latest issue of Tux magazine we have one person write in asking 
> "Why can't I mount a floppy disk in Ubuntu Breezy?"
> After the Editors numerous attempts to mount a floppy disk via the Gnome 
> and KDE gui's she has to resort to the command prompt.
> In Hoary the problem could be fixed by altering /etc/fstab and replacing 
> the Auto file type with msdos file type.
> In Breezy the problem seems to be worse as the entire system seems broken.
> Could this be fixed in Drake? Yes we still use floppy disks and yes most 
> other distros can use them easily. If a Student gives me a floppy disk I 
> want to be able to read it. I hate seeing Ubuntu embarrassed by failing 
> to support a basic function as I feel proud of our distro
> Sincerely
> > Colin McDermott
> > Reboot Computer Reuse centre
> > Ubuntu Lite
> > http://groups.google.com.au/group/ubuntu_lite

The fix is in breezy-updates since Jan 09. Package: pmount.

Cheers, /C
Christian Bjälevik <nafallo at magicalforest.se>
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