Notification suggestion...

Ben Woosley Ben.Woosley at
Thu Feb 2 19:54:10 GMT 2006

Hey Folks,

I happened upon the draft of the Flight 4 coverage on the wiki 
(, and I have a suggestion on the 
The image 
cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


In both cases, it seems to me that there is an abundance of whitespace 
below the message. Perhaps you could make the min-height such that the 
icon on th left is equally padded above and below? That is, pull up the 
bottom so the distance between it and the icon == the distance between 
the top of the icon and the top of the notification.

If it isn't a difficult change, I think it would make the notifications 
look even more professional.

Something else to consider is, on long multi-line notification messages, 
to center the icon height-wise, and on short ones, center the text 
height-wise. If someone could point me to the relevant source I could 
take a look at it.

Ben Woosley

P.S. Can't wait for Dapper! :-) Thanks everybody!

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